A Workflow is an automation you build on the Catalytic platform. It is a template of the process you want to run each time your Workflow is started.


Lean More About Workflows

In you're interested in learning more about what Workflows are or how they work on the Catalytic platform, see The Catalytic Help Docs Section on Workflows

The Workflows client allows you to access your Workflow definitions. These can then be used to start Instances. It provides the following methods:

getGets a specific Workflow by id
findSearch for Workflow by name or owner
exportExport an existing Workflow
importImport a Workflow


Creating or Editing Workflows

Currently, the SDK does not support creating or editing Workflow definitions. Instead, you must create and edit your Workflows through the Catalytic Web App. Future versions of the SDK will support creating and editing Workflows.

Quickstart Example

 * This example demonstrates getting Workflows by ID and by name
const { CatalyticClient } = require('@catalytic/sdk');

const catalytic = new CatalyticClient();

const workflowById = await catalytic.workflows.get('c9f2beec-10c0-4f2f-b4e0-1d884c7e053c');
const workflowsByName = await catalytic.workflows.find({ query: 'SDK Examples' });

console.log(`Found ${workflowsByName.workflows.length} Workflows by name and 1 by Id`);