Get a File Stream of a Data Table

Get a stream of the contents of an exported data table, in CSV (default) or Excel format.


Permissions Required

You must have View permissions to the field this file was uploaded to for this request to succeed

Method Signature

DownloadStream GetFileStream(Guid id, DataTableExportFormat format);
async Task<DownloadStream> GetFileStreamAsync(Guid id, DataTableExportFormat format);


idGuidThe id of the Data Table to get a readable stream of
formatDataTableExportFormatCSV or Xlsx (Excel)
returnsDownloadStreamThe requested file's metadata and readable stream
DownloadStream GetFileStream(string id, DataTableExportFormat format);
async Task<DownloadStream> GetFileStreamAsync(string id, DataTableExportFormat format);
idstringThe id of the Data Table to get a readable stream of
formatDataTableExportFormatCSV or Xlsx (Excel)
returnsDownloadStreamThe requested file's metadata and readable stream


Stream Disposal

DownloadStream implements IDisposable. Be sure to wrap calls in a using statement, or call Dispose() directly when you are done reading the stream. See the example below.


 * This example demonstrates streaming a Data Table's contents to
 * the Console as CSV rows
using Catalytic.Sdk.Entities;

namespace Catalytic.Sdk.Examples
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var catalytic = new Catalytic.Sdk.CatalyticClient(Credentials.Default);

            using (var file = catalytic.DataTables.GetFileStream(
                Console.WriteLine($"Name: ${file.FileName}");
                Console.WriteLine($"Size (bytes): ${file.Size}");
                Console.WriteLine($"Content-Type: ${file.ContentType}");

                while (!file.Stream.EndOfStream)