Find Workflows

Finds Workflows that match your criteria. The workflows->find method supports a fluent style where you can chain together your search criteria.


Permissions Required

You must have Find permissions to the Workflow in order to for this request to succeed.

Method Signature

find(Filter $filter = null, int $pageSize = null, string $pageToken = null): WorkflowsPage


$filterFilterThe filter criteria to search by, or null to fetch all Workflows.
$pageTokenstringThe token of the page to fetch
$pageSizeintThe number of Workflows to return per page

You can search for matches among the following attributes of the Where class.

textstringFuzzy matches text attributes of a Workflow, including name and description.
ownerstringSearch for Workflows owned by a specific team member. The email
address of the owner of the Workflow must match exactly, apart from casing.
categorystringFind all Workflows in a specific category



 * This example demonstrates finding all Workflows of a particular category
 * and having a name that matches particular text.
 * This also demonstrates paging through results to collect all
 * matches into a single list.

require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

use Catalytic\SDK\CatalyticClient;
use Catalytic\SDK\Search\Where;

$catalytic = new CatalyticClient();

$where = (new Where())->category()->is('general')
$results = $catalytic->workflows()->find($where);
$workflows = $results->getWorkflows();

// Loop through all the pages of results
while (!empty($results->getNextPageToken())) {
    $results = $catalytic->workflows()->find($where, $results->getNextPageToken());
    $workflows = array_merge($workflows, $results->getWorkflows());