When you start a Workflow, you create an Instance. That Instance contains data stored in fields and tracks the status of your automation workflow. Each Step in your Workflow becomes a Step in your Instance.
The Instances
client allows you to start and stop Instances, find and get data from your Instances and complete steps in your Instances. It provides the following methods:
Method | Description |
Get GetAsync | Gets a specific Instance by Id |
Find FindAsync | Search for Instances by Name or Owner |
Start StartAsync | Start an Instance of a Workflow |
Stop StopAsync | Stop an Instance |
GetStep GetStepAsync | Get an Instance Step by ID |
GetSteps GetStepsAsync | Get all Steps of an Instance |
FindSteps FindStepsAsync | Find Steps across all Instances |
CompleteStep CompleteStepAsync | Complete a Step |
Quickstart Example
* This example demonstrates finding a Workflow, starting an Instance of
* that Workflow with some inputs, getting data from the Instance and
* finally completing a Step in the Instance.
using Catalytic.Sdk;
using Catalytic.Sdk.Entities;
using System;
using System.IO;
namespace Catalytic.Sdk.Examples
class Program
// update this to your email before running this sample
public const string YourEmail = "[email protected]";
static void Main(string[] args)
// create and initialize the Catalytic SDK Client
var catalytic = new CatalyticClient(Credentials.Default);
// find workflows matching "Sdk Example Workflow"
var matches = catalytic.Workflows.Find(
Where.Text.Matches("Sdk Example Workflow"));
// `matches` is a results page containing `Workflows` and
// a `NextPageToken` you can use to page through results.
// We only expect one match for this example so we can simply
// get the first matching Workflow.
var pushbot = matches.Workflows.FirstOrDefault();
if (workflow == null)
workflow = catalytic.Workflows.Import(
new Uri(""));
// Now that we've got our workflow, let's set the inputs it expects
var request = workflow
.SetInput("Age", 42)
.SetInput("Name", "Alice")
.SetName($"SDK Example - {DateTimeOffset.Now.ToString()}");
// Start the workflow
var instance = catalytic.Instances.Start(request);
// get the step we want to complete
var steps = catalytic.Instances.GetSteps(instance.InstanceId).Steps;
var uploadStep = steps.Where(
s => s.Name == "Upload Updated Spreadsheet and Set Email").First();
// download the Data Table from the "Table" field as a CSV
var tableId = instance.Fields["Table"].GetValue<Guid>();
var csvFile = catalytic.DataTables.DownloadFile(tableId, DataTableExportFormat.CSV);
// Do our "business logic" to transform the csv data
// As a simple example, we replace "Foo" with "Bar"
var updatedCsvContent = csvFile.OpenText().ReadToEnd().Replace("Foo", "Bar");
// create the output csv file locally
var updatedCsvFile = new FileInfo(Path.GetTempFileName());
File.WriteAllText(updatedCsvFile.FullName, updatedCsvContent);
// To complete the step, we will set both a text and a file field
var stepRequest = step
.SetInput("Updated CSV", updatedCsvFile)
.SetInput("Email Address", YourEmail);
Console.WriteLine($"You should have an email waiting for you at {YourEmail} now with the updated CSV converted to an Excel attachment");
Updated almost 4 years ago