Download a Data Table

Download a Data Table as a CSV or Excel (xlsx) file.


Permissions Required

You must have permissions to read the Data Table for this request to succeed.

Method Signature

File download(String id);
File download(String id, String format);
File download(String id, String format, String directory);


idStringThe id of the Data Table to get a readable stream of
formatDataTableExportFormatCSV or XLSX
directoryStringThe directory to save the download to. The
Data Table's name will be preserved used as the file name. Defaults
to a local temporary directory.
returnsFileA File containing the contents of the Data Table


 * This example demonstrates downloading a Data Table

import org.catalytic.sdk.CatalyticClient;

public class Program {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
      	// Create and Initialize Catalytic SDK Client
        CatalyticClient catalytic = new CatalyticClient();
      	// Download specific Data Table by id
        File file = catalytic.dataTables().download("8d20bdf5-d3bb-4a08-b05b-eb22a8b5c300");