Download a File

Download a File to a temporary file or a given directory or file.


Permissions Required

You must have permissions to read the field that the file was uploaded to for this request to succeed.

Method Signature

FileInfo DownloadFile(Guid id, DirectoryInfo directory = null);
async Task<FileInfo> DownloadFileAsync(Guid id, DirectoryInfo directory = null);


idGuidThe id of the File to download
directoryDirectoryInfoOptional The directory to save the download to. The file's
original name will be preserved. Defaults to a local temporary directory.
returnsFileInfoA reference to the downloaded file
FileInfo DownloadFile(string id, DirectoryInfo directory = null);
async Task<FileInfo> DownloadFileAsync(string id, DirectoryInfo directory = null);
idstringThe id of the File to download
directoryDirectoryInfoOptional The directory to save the download to. The file's
original name will be preserved. Defaults to a local temporary directory.
returnsFileInfoA reference to the downloaded file
FileInfo DownloadFile(Guid id, FileInfo file);
async Task<FileInfo> DownloadFileAsync(Guid id, FileInfo file);
idGuidThe id of the File to download
fileFileInfoThe file name and path to save the download to. The file's original
name will not be used.
returnsFileInfoA reference to the downloaded file
FileInfo DownloadFile(string id, FileInfo file);
async Task<FileInfo> DownloadFileAsync(string id, FileInfo file);
idstringThe id of the File to download
fileFileInfoThe file name and path to save the download to. The file's original
name will not be used.
returnsFileInfoA reference to the downloaded file


 * This example demonstrates downloading a File
using Catalytic.Sdk.Entities;

namespace Catalytic.Sdk.Examples
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var catalytic = new Catalytic.Sdk.Client(Credentials.Default);
            var file = catalytic.Files.DownloadFile(\"8d20bdf5-d3bb-4a08-b05b-eb22a8b5c300\");
            Console.WriteLine($\"File downloaded to {file.FullName}\");