Paging Items

When listing entities such as Workflows or Instances, the results may be paged. The --max-size and --after options can be used to control paging behavior.

Setting Page Size using --max-size

  • --max-size: Controls the number of items returned for a single query. Defaults to 25.

$ catalytic instance list --max-size 50

Setting Page Offset using --after

Any command to list items that is truncated by paging limits will output a Next Page Token value, which can be used as the --after option in subsequent commands to view the next set of items.

  • --after: Acts as a paging offset to reveal the next set of items in a list query.

$ catalytic instance list --max-size 50 --after 50

Finding Next Page Token

JSON Formatted Output

$ catalytic workflow list --format json
  "items": [...],
  "nextPageToken": 25

CSV Formatted Output

$ catalytic workflow list --format "csv(Id,Name)"
Next Page Token: 25

Id, Name
10000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000,My Workflow

Table Formatted Output

$ catalytic workflow list --format "table(Id,Name)"
Next Page Token: 25

 #  |                  Id                  |        Name
 1  | 10000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 | My Workflow