Instance Commands
catalytic instance (help | -h | --help)
catalytic instance list [--filter=<FilterExpression>] [--search=<query>] [--max-size=<size>] [--after=<token>] [--format=<FormatExpression>] [--credentials=<CredentialsName>]
catalytic instance start <WorkflowId> <Name> [--field=<exp>... | --fieldsJson=<pathToJSONFile> | --fieldsViaStdIn] [--format=<FormatExpression>] [--credentials=<CredentialsName>]
catalytic instance get <Id> [--format=<FormatExpression>] [--credentials=<CredentialsName>]
catalytic instance stop <Id> [--format=<FormatExpression>] [--credentials=<CredentialsName>]
catalytic instance get fields <Id> [--format=<FormatExpression>] [--credentials=<CredentialsName>]
catalytic instance get steps <Id> [--format=<FormatExpression>] [--credentials=<CredentialsName>]
catalytic instance complete step <StepId> [--field=<exp>... | --fieldsJson=<pathToJSONFile> | --fieldsViaStdIn] [--format=<FormatExpression>] [--credentials=<CredentialsName>]
catalytic instance reassign step <StepId> <NewAssigneeEmail> [--format=<FormatExpression>] [--credentials=<CredentialsName>]
-h --help Show help.
<Id> The Catalytic system ID of the Instance.
<WorkflowId> The Catalytic system ID of the Workflow for which you wish to start an Instance.
<Name> The name to use when starting a new Instance.
<StepId> The unique Id of the Instance Step.
<NewAssigneeEmail> The email address of the Catalytic use to whom the Instance Step should be reassigned.
--filter=<FilterExpression> A FilterExpression to narrow results. See documentation for more info.
--format=<FormatExpression> A FormatExpression to define output style and properties. See documentation for more info.
--search=<query> A search query to limit results.
--max-size=<size> The number of results to return with each request [Default: 25]
--after=<token> The next page token of the previous request
--field=<exp> Field value to add to the Instance in the form of `fieldName:value` (i.e. --field=first-name:alice)
--fieldsViaStdIn Boolean flag which will prompt for JSON fields input via StdIn.
--fieldsJson=<pathToJSONFile> Path to a file containing fields in JSON format.
--credentials=<CredentialsName> The name associated with the Catalytic Credentials to use for the command. If left unspecified, the default Credentials will be used.
Instance Properties
Name | Type | Description | Included by Default |
Id | Guid | The unique ID of the Instance | true |
WorkflowId | Guid | The unique ID of the Workflow the Instance was started from | true |
Name | string | The descriptive name of the Instance | true |
Description | string | A description of the Instance | true |
Category | string | A descriptive grouping for your Instance | true |
Owner | string | The email address of the user who is the primary admin for the Instance. | true |
Status | string | Running , Completed or Cancelled | true |
Fields | List<Fields> | The fields containing the data for the Instance | |
Steps | List<InstanceStep> | The steps of the Instance | |
FieldVisibility | FieldVisibility | The default visiblity level of fields for the InstancePublic , Internal , Confidential or HighlyConfidential | |
Visibility | InstanceVisibility | The visbility level of the InstanceOpen or Restricted | |
VisibleToUsers | List<string> | The users or groups who who may view this Instance Users will be represented by their Email ,groups by their group name (starting with g_ ). | |
CreatedBy | string | The email address of the user who started the Instance |
Instance Step Properties
Name | Type | Description | Included by Default |
Id | Guid | The unique ID of the Instance Step | true |
InstanceId | Guid | The ID of the Instance Step belongs to | true |
WorkflowId | Guid | The ID of the Workflow the Step's Instance was started from | true |
Name | string | The descriptive name of the Step | true |
Description | string | A description of the Step, or instructions to be carried out during the Step | true |
AssignedTo | string | The email of the user or group that the Step is assigned to, if any. | true |
Field Properties
Name | Type | Description | Included by Default |
Id | Guid | The unique ID of the Field | true |
Name | string | The descriptive name of the Field | true |
ReferenceName | string | The sluggified name of the field | true |
Description | string | A description of the Field, or instructions for filling out the Field in a form | true |
FieldType | FieldType | An enum representing the type of data held in the field. | true |
SerializedValue | string | The serialized value of the Field | |
Type | Type | The dotnet runtime Type of the data held in the field. | |
HasValue | bool | Indicates whether the field has a value. | |
Restrictions | FieldRestrictions | May include a set of string Choices for SingleChoice and MultipleChoice fields. |
Updated over 4 years ago