Credentials Commands

Manage your stored credentials


View the Authentication in Catalytic CLI docs for instructions on creating new Credentials.


Catalytic Credentials

    catalytic credentials (help | -h | --help)
    catalytic credentials list
    catalytic credentials get <CredentialsName>
    catalytic credentials add <CredentialsName> (--token=<Token> | --path=<PathToTokenFile>)
    catalytic credentials delete <CredentialsName>
    catalytic credentials update <CredentialsName> [--set-name=<NewCredentialsName>]

    -h --help                        Show help.
    <CredentialsName>                The name of the Credentials to fetch or manipulate.
    --set-name=<NewCredentialsName>  The new name to set for the specified Credentials.
    --token=<Token>                  The Token string from the created Access Token.
    --path=<PathToTokenFile>         The path to the Token file on disk.