Workflow Commands


Catalytic Workflow

    catalytic workflow (help | -h | --help)
    catalytic workflow get <Id> [--format=<FormatExpression>] [--credentials=<CredentialsName>]
    catalytic workflow get fields <Id> [--format=<FormatExpression>] [--credentials=<CredentialsName>]
    catalytic workflow get steps <Id> [--format=<FormatExpression>] [--credentials=<CredentialsName>]
    catalytic workflow list [--filter=<FilterExpression>] [--search=<query>] [--max-size=<size>] [--after=<token>] [--format=<FormatExpression>] [--credentials=<CredentialsName>]

    -h --help                        Show help.
    <Id>                             The Catalytic system ID of the Workflow.
    --filter=<FilterExpression>      A FilterExpression to narrow results. See documentation for more info.
    --format=<FormatExpression>      A FormatExpression to define output style and properties. See documentation for more info.
    --search=<query>                 A search query to limit results.
    --max-size=<size>                The number of results to return with each request [Default: 25]
    --after=<token>                  The next page token of the previous request
    --credentials=<CredentialsName>  The name associated with the Catalytic Credentials to use when querying for Workflow Instances. If left unspecified, the default Credentials will be used.

Workflow Properties

NameTypeDescriptionIncluded by Default
IdGuidThe unique ID of the Workflowtrue
NamestringThe descriptive name of the Workflowtrue
DescriptionstringA description of what the Workflow doestrue
CategorystringA descriptive grouping for your Workflowtrue
OwnerstringThe email address of the user who is the primary admin
for this Workflow. This user will receive fix tasks when there is
a problem in an Instance of this Workflow
IsPublishedboolIndicates whether the Workflow is published or is in draft modetrue
IsArchivedboolIndicates whether is Archived and no longer available for users
to find, start or edit.
InputFieldsFieldsCollectionA collection of the required and optional input fields
that can be passed to this Workflow when starting it.
FieldVisibilityFieldVisibilityThe default visibility level of fields for this Workflow
Public, Internal, Confidential or HighlyConfidential
InstanceVisibilityInstanceVisibilityThe visibility level of this Workflow
Open or Restricted
AdminUsersList<string>The users or groups who who may view, start, and edit
this Workflow. Users will be represented by their Email,
groups by their group name (starting with g_).
StandardUsersList<string>The users or groups who who may view and start
this Workflow. Users will be represented by their Email,
groups by their group name (starting with g_).
CreatedBystringThe email address of the user who created this Workflow

Field Properties

NameTypeDescriptionIncluded by Default
IdGuidThe unique ID of the Fieldtrue
NamestringThe descriptive name of the Fieldtrue
ReferenceNamestringThe sluggified name of the fieldtrue
DescriptionstringA description of the Field, or instructions for filling out the Field in a formtrue
FieldTypeFieldTypeAn enum representing the type of data held in the field.true
TypeTypeThe dotnet runtime Type of the data held in the field.
HasValueboolIndicates whether the field has a value.
RestrictionsFieldRestrictionsMay include a set of string Choices for
SingleChoice and MultipleChoice fields.