The Data Table Entity



The Data Table entity contains metadata about Data Tables stored in the Catalytic platform. Data Tables can be created within Workflows, or directly via uploading a CSV or Excel-formatted spreadsheet file.

Common Properties

These are the most commonly used properties of a DataTable.

IdGuidThe unique ID of the Data Table
NamestringThe name of the Data Table
ColumnsList<DataTableColumn>The Columns in the Data Table
TypeDataTableTypeImported, Master, Application, Instance or Batch
VisibilityTableVisibilityOpen or Restricted



The Data Table Column entity contains metadata about each column in a Catalytic Data Table.

Common Properties

These are the most commonly used properties of a DataTableColumn.

IdGuidThe unique ID of the Data Table Column
NamestringThe name of the Column
TypeFieldTypeThe type of data held in the column. See Instances
RestrictionsFieldRestrictionsMay include a set of string Choices for
SingleChoice and MultipleChoice fields.