Export a Workflow

Export an existing Workflow from your Catalytic team, optionally secured with a password. This method produces a File that can be downloaded and used to import the Workflow into another team.


Permissions Required

You must have Find permissions to the Workflow in order to for this request to succeed.

Method Signature

export(id: string): Promise<FileMetadata>;
export(id: string, callback: (err?: Error, file: FileMetadata) => any): void;
export(id: string, password: string): Promise<FileMetadata>;
export(id: string, password: string, callback: (err?: Error, file: FileMetadata) => any): void;


idstringThe string id of the Workflow to export
passwordstringOptional Password used to secure the exported file
callback(err?: Error, file: FileMetadata) => anyOptional The callback
returnsFileThe exported file, ready for download


 * This example demonstrates exporting a Workflow from a Catalytic
 * team and downloading the export file.
const { CatalyticClient } = require('@catalytic/sdk');

const catalytic = new CatalyticClient();

const workflowId = '10000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001';
const exportFileMetadata = await catalytic.workflows.export(workflowId);

const exportFileDownloadPath = '/path/to/download/location/for/export/file.catalytic';
await catalytic.files.download(exportFileMetadata.id);