The Data Table Entity


The Data Table entity contains metadata about Data Tables stored in the Catalytic platform. Data Tables can be created within Workflows, or directly via uploading a CSV or XLSX spreadsheet file.

Common Methods

These are the most commonly used methods of a DataTable.

NameReturn TypeDescription
getIdstringThe unique ID of the Data Table
getNamestringThe name of the Data Table
getColumnsarrayThe Columns in the Data Table
getTypeDataTableTypeImported, Master, Application, Instance or Batch
getVisibilityTableVisibilityOpen or Restricted



Common Methods

These are the most commonly used methods of a DataTable.

NameReturn TypeDescription
idstringThe unique ID of the Data Table
namestringThe name of the Column
typeFieldTypeThe type of data held in the column. See Instances
restrictionsFieldRestrictionsMay include a set of string Choices for
SingleChoice and MultipleChoice fields.