Find Users
Finds Users matching your criteria. The Users.Find
method supports a fluent style where you can chain together your search criteria.
Method Signature
UsersPage Find(Search.Filter filter = null, PagingOptions pagingOptions = null);
async Task<UsersPage> FindAsync(Search.Filter filter = null, PagingOptions pagingOptions = null);
Parameter | Type | Description |
filter | Search.Filter | The filter criteria to search by, or null to fetch all Users. |
pagingOptions | PagingOptions | paging options including Size and PageToken |
returns | UsersPage | The requested page of Users |
You can search for matches among the following attributes of the Where
Name | Type | Description |
Text | string | Match against the user's Full Name |
returns | UsersPage | The requested page of Users |
* This example demonstrates listing all users
using Catalytic.Sdk;
using Catalytic.Sdk.Entities;
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Catalytic.Sdk.Examples
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var catalytic = new CatalyticClient(Credentials.Default);
var users = new List<User>();
var paging = new PagingOptions { Size = 25 };
while(paging != null)
var result = catalytic.Users.Find(
paging = result.NextPageOptions;
// users now contains all matching Users
foreach(var user in users)
Updated almost 4 years ago