Find Instance Steps

Find Instance steps within an Instance or across all Instances of a Workflow.


Permissions Required

You must have Find permissions to the Instance for this request to succeed

Method Signature

InstanceStepsPage find();
InstanceStepsPage find(Filter filter);
InstanceStepsPage find(String pageToken);
InstanceStepsPage find(Filter filter, String pageToken);
InstanceStepsPage find(Filter filter, String pageToken, Integer pageSize);


filterFilterThe filter criteria to search by, or null to fetch all Instances.
pageTokenStringThe token of the page to fetch
pageSizeIntegerThe number of Instances to return per page
returnsInstanceStepsPageThe requested page of Instance Steps

You can search for matches among the following attributes of the Where class.

textStringFuzzy matches text attributes of an Instance Step, including Name and Description.
workflowIdStringFind Instances of a specific Workflow
assigneeStringFind Steps assigned to a specific user by email or username. Results will include Steps assigned to a Group to which the user belongs.


 * This example demonstrates finding Steps across all Instances 
 * assigned to a specific user. Note that this will include Steps
 * assigned to a Group to which the User belongs.
import org.catalytic.sdk.CatalyticClient;
import org.catalytic.sdk.entities.InstanceStepsPage;
import org.catalytic.sdk.entities.InstanceStep;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;

public class Program {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
      	// Create and initialize CatalyticClient
        CatalyticClient catalytic = new CatalyticClient();
        // Find all steps where [email protected] is assigned
        Where where = new Where().assignee().is("[email protected]");
        InstanceStepsPage results = catalytic.instances().findSteps(where);
      	List<InstanceStep> steps = new ArrayList<>();
      	// Get all pages of results and add all the steps to `steps`
      	while(results.getNextPageToken() != null) {
            results = catalytic.instances().findSteps(where, results.getNextPageToken());