The Integration Entity



The Integration entity contains metadata about Integrations in the Catalytic platform.

Common Properties

These are the most commonly used properties of an Integration.

IdstringThe unique ID of the Integration
NamestringThe name of the Integration
IsCustomIntegrationboolBoolean indicating whether Integration is a built-in Catalytic Integration or a custom Integration
ConnectionsList<IntegrationConnectionList of IntegrationConnections to this Integration
ConnectionParamsList<Field>List of values required to create a new Connection of this Integration

Instance Methods

NameReturn TypeDescription
CreateConnectionRequestIntegrationConnectionCreationRequestConstructs an IntegrationConnectionCreationRequest used to Create an IntegrationConnection

The CreateConnectionRequest Instance Method

IntegrationConnectionCreationRequest CreateConnectionRequest(string name, IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, object>> connectionParams);
namestringThe display Name to apply to the Integration Connection
connectionParamsIEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, object>>The ConnectionParams required to create a new Integration Connection, keyed by Name. Should mirror the ConnectionParams on the Integration.
returnsIntegrationConnectionCreationRequestThe constructed IntegrationConnectionCreationRequest