The InstanceStepsPage Entity

Instance Steps Page


The InstanceStepsPage class represents a page of InstanceSteps, usually returned from the Instances.FindSteps() or Instances.GetSteps methods.

Instance Properties

StepsICollection<InstanceStep>The Instance Steps included in this page of results
NextPageOptionsPagingOptionsOptions to pass into Instances.FindSteps() or Instances.GetSteps to fetch the next page of results

IResultsPage Properties

Like every results page, InstanceStepsPage implements Catalytic.Sdk.Entities.IResultsPage<T> which provides the following properties. This can be helpful if you are building generic functionality for result pages.

ItemsIEnumerable<InstanceStep>The Instance Steps included in this page of results
NextPageOptionsPagingOptionsOptions to pass into Instances.FindSteps() or Instances.GetSteps to fetch the next page of results
CollectionNamestringThe name of the items. In this case, "Steps"